Tutoring and Educational Coaching

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Are you worried about learning loss, academic fall behind, or a drop in self-esteem?

At CT Experiential Learning Center (CELC), we offer year-round Educational Coaching/Academic Tutoring and Executive Function Support, kindergarten through college.

Our Services Include:

  • Educational Coaching and Executive Function Support

Solidify vital skills such as effective use of an assignment planner, self-advocacy, and confident interaction with teachers and peers. This program’s focal point is the development of core skills needed for life, which enables students to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and prioritize tasks. Available in one-to-one sessions or small groups.

  • Time Management Strategizing

This proven system aims to support and empower students by developing greater confidence levels. It allows students to take part in the construction of a carefully designed roadmap-to-success time management plan that offers a clear pathway toward effectively completing daily tasks and activities, as well as long and short-term assignments.

“For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.”
– Benjamin Franklin, activist, author, humorist, and scientist

  • One-to-One Academic Tutoring

We match students with tutors. Our individual tutoring sessions are perfect for children of all ages — grades K-12. Subjects such as Math, Reading, Writing, Grammar, and Spanish are tailored to suit individual needs.

  • College Preparation

We proudly offer one-to-one intensive support with college applications and essays – the college of your dreams is within your grasp!

Building Competent and Confident Students Through Engaged Learning

CELC offers transformative educational experiences with in-person and remote learning options

Our philosophy is always “learner-centered.” The individual student’s needs and capabilities are central to CELC’s Educational Coaching and Academic Tutoring sessions. Our multi-faceted approach focuses on students’ academic, social, and developmental levels.

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