Expeditionary Learning

Expeditionary Learning

We match students with experiential learning opportunities.

See the world with CELC! At CT Experiential Learning Center, we believe that combining academic studies with field experience enhances the learning process and opens our students from an early age to the world. Our expeditionary learning programs are designed to allow students to immerse themselves in a focused study that primes for the discovery and development of new understanding.

“Tell me and I will forget; show me and I may remember;
involve me and I will understand.”
– Confucius

Our latest adventures!

What drew us to CELC? What keeps us there?

From Maine to Morocco, learning happens everywhere! Tune into CELC’s blog to read and see photos of the July 2022 sailing adventure in the Casco Bay Region of Maine with Different Drum Sailing Adventures.

Beginning Fall 2022, CELC hosts a wide range of Hands-on and Expeditionary Learning Adventures – join our mailing list now to find out about CELC’s upcoming programs.

Learn more about our programs: Contact CELC today!

If you would like to explore your options with us, give us a call or complete this form. One of our friendly representatives will reach you as soon as possible.

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